
See some of the works I’m most proud of from my sketching portfolio below, taken from Introduction to Drawing at Yale. Thanks to Sophy Naess for her mentorship and critiques.

Scenes from a Year of Mixed Ambitions

Four scenes are shown in this piece. On the bottom is a spaceship, anchored on the ground, ready to launch. On the left side we see a city, shrouded in smoke; I hoped to depict Delhi burning with the cremations of the COVID-19 wave that occurred in May 2021, conveying a sense of helplessness. The rightmost image cements this as a depiction of the short story/movie Barn Burning, as desolate a feeling. On the top the atomic bomb is shown.

These scenes are encased in infinitely-stretching frames reminiscent of Escher’s lithograph, Infinite Dimensions. Two figures are shown in dark ink, one stretching, one watching. The rest of the sketch is done in graphite.

Leaning Clay Still Life

A charcoal sketch of a still life in which clay stips were laid down across varying levels and everyday objects, including a makeup bottle and a matchbox, were laid in varying conformation across these levels. Dramatic lighting was used to illuminate the setup before the still life was drawn.

A 3-Face Perspective

A series of portraits I did from different angles and expressions of the same person. These were done in graphite using a single pencil.

Line Drawing Inspired by Jeremy Collins

Collins is a pen and ink artist that both hikes and draws prominent features in the US National Parks using contour line. I’ve always been inspired by his work and aimed to replicate one of his drawings.

Quick Sketches of Note

As the title suggests, these are some rapid drawings that I enjoyed; they may be expanded into further, more intensive works in the future. The boat is an image taken off Instagram of a team of scientists and environmentalists that explore the Arctic. The cart is also an image taken off Instagram of a cart on the NYC subway. Throughout the pandemic, and the experience of being stuck at home, social media has allowed us to visit different worlds. If only it were not tied to constant addiction…

The last one is of my hand. From a young age, I’ve loved the experience of drawing the various parts of my body. Sometimes we don’t notice the most obvious facets of ourselves unless we are forced to look, and drawing helps me do that.